Building OpenCMISS Libraries From Source¶
The list of the software requried for building the OpenCMISS libraries is outlined in Requirements for Building OpenCMISS Libraries.
Quick Start¶
The following instructions describe the procedure for building a release version of OpenCMISS libraries from the command line. If you wish to build a debug version, please read OpenCMISS Libraries Setup Build Script for more information.
mkdir opencmiss
mkdir setup-build
git clone
cd setup-build
cmake -DOPENCMISS_ROOT=../opencmiss ../setup
cmake --build .
- If executing these commands from a Visual Studio command prompt on a Windows
machine the penultimate command may need to by adapted to include the generator required. For example if a 64 bit Visual Studio build is desired the command would be adapted to:
cmake -DOPENCMISS_ROOT=../opencmiss -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ../setup
When building the OpenCMISS libraries from source it is advisable to have git installed and available. If this is not the case the git clone command above can be replaced with the unzipped source available from
Further Details¶
For parties interested in the details and an understanding of the above commands the documentation below explains further.
Making use of the setup repository to create an OpenCMISS libraries installation can simplify the insatllation process, however if you require a specific installation consider installing OpenCMISS manually. Before starting make sure to check the requirements documentation