OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type Type Reference

Public Attributes

integer(intg) number_of_interface_matrices
 Cache of the number of interface matrices. More...
integer(intg) lagrange_variable_type
 The variable type of the Lagrange field. More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable matrix_coefficients
 MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS(matrix_idx). The matrix cooefficient for the matrix_idx'th interface matrix. More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable has_transpose
 HAS_TRANSPOSE(matrix_idx). .TRUE. if the matrix_idx'th interface matrix has an tranpose, .FALSE. if not. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable matrix_row_field_variable_indices
 MATRIX_ROW_FIELD_VARIABLE_INDICES(variable_idx). The field variable index that are mapped to the the interface matrix rows. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable matrix_col_field_variable_indices
 MATRIX_COL_FIELD_VARIABLE_INDICES(variable_idx). The field variable index that are mapped to the the interface matrix columns. More...
integer(intg) rhs_lagrange_variable_type
 The Lagrange variable type mapped to the rhs vector. More...
real(dp) rhs_coefficient
 The coefficient multiplying the RHS vector. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2053 of file types.f90.

Member Data Documentation

logical, dimension(:), allocatable types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::has_transpose

HAS_TRANSPOSE(matrix_idx). .TRUE. if the matrix_idx'th interface matrix has an tranpose, .FALSE. if not.

Definition at line 2057 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::lagrange_variable_type

The variable type of the Lagrange field.

Definition at line 2055 of file types.f90.

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::matrix_coefficients

MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS(matrix_idx). The matrix cooefficient for the matrix_idx'th interface matrix.

Definition at line 2056 of file types.f90.

integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::matrix_col_field_variable_indices

MATRIX_COL_FIELD_VARIABLE_INDICES(variable_idx). The field variable index that are mapped to the the interface matrix columns.

Definition at line 2059 of file types.f90.

integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::matrix_row_field_variable_indices

MATRIX_ROW_FIELD_VARIABLE_INDICES(variable_idx). The field variable index that are mapped to the the interface matrix rows.

Definition at line 2058 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::number_of_interface_matrices

Cache of the number of interface matrices.

Definition at line 2054 of file types.f90.

real(dp) types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::rhs_coefficient

The coefficient multiplying the RHS vector.

Definition at line 2061 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_mapping_create_values_cache_type::rhs_lagrange_variable_type

The Lagrange variable type mapped to the rhs vector.

Definition at line 2060 of file types.f90.