OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 advection_diffusion_equation_routines.f90This module handles all diffusion equation routines
 advection_equation_routines.f90This module handles pure advection equation routines
 analytic_analysis_routines.f90This module handles all analytic analysis routines
 base_routines.f90This module contains all the low-level base routines e.g., all debug, control, and low-level communication routines
 basis_routines.f90This module contains all basis function routines
 binary_file_f.f90This module handles the reading and writing of binary files
 biodomain_equation_routines.f90This module handles all bioelectric domain equation routines
 bioelectric_finite_elasticity_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to bioelectrics coupled with finite elasticity
 bioelectric_routines.f90This module handles all bioelectric routines
 blas.f90This module contains the interface descriptions to the BLAS routines
 boundary_condition_routines.f90This module set the boundary conditions for the given equation set
 Burgers_equation_routines.f90This module handles all Burgers equation routines
 characteristic_equation_routines.f90This module handles the characteristic equation routines. These equations are often used in concert with 1D fluid modelling to describe wave propagation phenomena, which is particularly useful for models of vascular trees. These equations are also often solved using a discontinuous nodal solution method, rather than FEM
 classical_field_routines.f90This module handles all classical field routines
 cmiss.f90The top level OpenCMISS Iron module
 cmiss_cellml.f90This module is a OpenCMISS(cm) buffer module to OpenCMISS(cellml)
 cmiss_fortran_c.f90This module contains Fortran and C data conversion routines
 cmiss_mpi.f90This module contains CMISS MPI routines
 cmiss_parmetis.f90This module is a CMISS buffer module to the ParMETIS library
 cmiss_petsc.f90This module is a CMISS buffer module to the PETSc library
 cmiss_petsc_types.f90This module contains type definitions related to the PETSc library
 computational_environment.f90This module contains all computational environment variables
 constants.f90This module contains all program wide constants
 control_loop_routines.f90This module handles all control loop routines
 coordinate_routines.f90This module contains all coordinate transformation and support routines
 Darcy_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Darcy equations routines
 Darcy_pressure_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Darcy pressure equations routines to be coupled with finite elasticity
 data_projection_routines.f90This module handles all data projection routines
 diffusion_advection_diffusion_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to diffusion coupled to diffusion
 diffusion_diffusion_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to diffusion coupled to diffusion
 diffusion_equation_routines.f90This module handles all diffusion equation routines
 distributed_matrix_vector.f90This module handles all distributed matrix vector routines
 distributed_matrix_vector_IO.f90This module handles all distributed matrix vector IO routines
 domain_mappings.f90This module handles all domain mappings routines
 elasticity_routines.f90This module handles all elasticity routines
 electromechanics_routines.f90This module handles all electromechanics routines
 electrophysiology_cell_routines.f90This module contains some hardcoded cell models and integration routines for cardiac electrophysiology
 equations_mapping_routines.f90This module handles all equations mapping routines
 equations_matrices_routines.f90This module handles all equations matrix and rhs routines
 equations_routines.f90This module handles all equations routines
 equations_set_constants.f90This module handles all constants shared across equations set routines
 equations_set_routines.f90This module handles all equations set routines
 field_IO_routines.f90ThiS module handles parallel Io. Using mpi2 and parall print function, formatted text and binary IO are supported in openCMISS
 fieldml_input_routines.f90This module handles reading in FieldML files
 fieldml_output_routines.f90This module handles writing out FieldML files
 fieldml_types.f90This module handles non-IO FieldML logic
 fieldml_util_routines.f90This module handles non-IO FieldML logic
 finite_elasticity_Darcy_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to finite elasticity coupled with Darcy
 finite_elasticity_fluid_pressure_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to finite elasticity coupled with fluid pressure for poroelasticity
 finite_elasticity_routines.f90This module handles all finite elasticity routines
 fitting_routines.f90This module handles all fitting routines
 fluid_mechanics_IO_routines.f90This module handles some mesh/parameter input routines and cmgui output routines for fluid mechanics routines and should be eventually replaces by field_IO_routines.f90
 fluid_mechanics_routines.f90This module handles all fluid mechanics routines
 fsi_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to finite elasticity coupled with navier stokes for fsi problems
 Hamilton_Jacobi_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Hamilton-Jacobi equations routines
 Helmholtz_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Helmholtz equations routines
 Helmholtz_TEMPLATE_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Helmholtz equations routines
 history_routines.f90This module handles all history file routines
 input_output.f90This module handles all formating and input and output
 interface_conditions_constants.f90This module handles all constants shared across interface condition routines
 interface_equations_routines.f90This module handles all interface equations routines
 interface_mapping_routines.f90This module contains all interface mapping routines
 interface_matrices_constants.f90This module handles all constants shared across interface condition routines
 kinds.f90This module contains all kind definitions
 lapack.f90This module contains the interface descriptions to the LAPACK routines
 Laplace_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Laplace equations routines
 linear_elasticity_routines.f90This module handles all linear elasticity routines
 lists.f90Implements lists of base types
 machine_constants_aix.f90This module contains all machine dependent constants for AIX systems
 machine_constants_irix.f90This module contains all machine dependent constants for IRIX systems
 machine_constants_linux.f90This module contains all machine dependent constants for Linux systems
 machine_constants_vms.f90This module contains all machine dependent constants for VMS systems
 machine_constants_win32.f90This module contains all machine dependent constants for Win32 systems
 maths.f90This module contains all mathematics support routines
 matrix_vector.f90This module contains all routines dealing with (non-distributed) matrix and vectors types
 monodomain_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Monodomain equations routines which use Strang Splitting with hard-coded cell models
 multi_compartment_transport_routines.f90This module handles all routines pertaining to diffusion coupled to diffusion
 multi_physics_routines.f90$Id: multi_physics_routines.f90 177 2009-04-20
 Navier_Stokes_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Navier-Stokes fluid routines
 opencmiss.f90The top level OpenCMISS module
 opencmiss_iron.f90The top level OpenCMISS Iron module
 Poiseuille_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Poiseuille equations routines
 Poisson_equations_routines.f90This module handles all Poisson equations routines
 problem_constants.f90This module handles all problem wide constants
 reaction_diffusion_equation_routines.f90This module handles all reaction diffusion equation routines
 reaction_diffusion_IO_routines.f90This module handles some mesh/parameter input routines and cmgui output routines for reaction diffusion routines and should be eventually replaces by field_IO_routines.f90
 region_routines.f90This module contains all region routines
 solver_mapping_routines.f90This module handles all solver mapping routines
 solver_matrices_routines.f90This module handles all solver matrix and rhs routines
 solver_routines.f90This module handles all solver routines
 sorting.f90This module contains all procedures for sorting. NOTE: THE ROUTINES IN THIS MODULE HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED!!!
 Stokes_equations_routines.f90$Id: Stokes_equations_routines.f90 372 2009-04-20
 stree_equation_routines.f90This module handles the Stree equation routines. These equations are often used in concert with 1D fluid modelling to describe wave propagation phenomena, which is particularly useful for models of vascular trees. These equations are also often solved using a discontinuous nodal solution method, rather than FEM
 strings.f90This module contains all string manipulation and transformation routines
 test_framework_routines.f90This module handles all analytic analysis routines
 timer_f.f90This module contains routines for timing the program
 trees.f90Implements trees of base types
 types.f90This module contains all type definitions in order to avoid cyclic module references
 util_array.f90This module contains various routines for manipulating arrays