OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type Type Reference

Contains information of a generated cylinder mesh Allows only a 3D cylinder mesh with xi directions (r,theta,z) More...

Collaboration diagram for types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type:

Public Attributes

type(generated_mesh_type), pointer generated_mesh
 A pointer to the generated mesh. More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable origin
 ORIGIN(nj). The position of the origin (centre) of lower face of cylinder mesh. More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable cylinder_extent
 CYLINDER_EXTENT(nj). The size of inner & outer radii and height of cylinder. More...
integer(intg) mesh_dimension
 The dimension/number of Xi directions of the cylinder mesh. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable number_of_elements_xi
 NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS(ni). The number of elements in radial, circumferential and axial directions. More...
type(basis_ptr_type), dimension(:), allocatable bases
 The pointers to the bases used in the regular mesh. More...
logical append_linear_component =.FALSE.
 True when two mesh components are needed. More...

Detailed Description

Contains information of a generated cylinder mesh Allows only a 3D cylinder mesh with xi directions (r,theta,z)

Definition at line 556 of file types.f90.

Member Data Documentation

logical types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::append_linear_component =.FALSE.

True when two mesh components are needed.

Definition at line 563 of file types.f90.

type(basis_ptr_type), dimension(:), allocatable types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::bases

The pointers to the bases used in the regular mesh.

Definition at line 562 of file types.f90.

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::cylinder_extent

CYLINDER_EXTENT(nj). The size of inner & outer radii and height of cylinder.

Definition at line 559 of file types.f90.

type(generated_mesh_type), pointer types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::generated_mesh

A pointer to the generated mesh.

Definition at line 557 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::mesh_dimension

The dimension/number of Xi directions of the cylinder mesh.

Definition at line 560 of file types.f90.

integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::number_of_elements_xi

NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS(ni). The number of elements in radial, circumferential and axial directions.

Definition at line 561 of file types.f90.

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable types::generated_mesh_cylinder_type::origin

ORIGIN(nj). The position of the origin (centre) of lower face of cylinder mesh.

Definition at line 558 of file types.f90.