Manually set the target branch to checkout for the specified component. Applies to own builds only. If this variable is not set, the build system automatically derives the branch name from the <COMP>_VERSION variable (pattern v<COMP>_VERSION).



At first, a flag <COMPNAME>_DEVEL must be set in order to notify the setup that this component (Iron, Zinc, any dependency) should be under development.

See also: OC_DEVEL_ALL.

Default value: NO


Set this variable for any component to have the build system checkout the sources from that repository. Applies to own builds only.

If this variable is not specified, the build system setup chooses the default public locations at the respective GitHub organizations (OpenCMISS, OpenCMISS-Dependencies etc).


Those adoptions must currently be made before the first build is started - once a repository is created there is no logic on changing the repository location (has at least not been tested).

Use in conjunction with <COMP>_BRANCH if necessary.


If you set a github username, cmake will automatically try and locate all the components as repositories under that github account. Currently applies to all repositories.

Default value: <empty>


If enabled, ssl connections like git@github.com/username are used instead of https access. Requires public key registration with github but wont require to enter the password (for push) every time.

Default value: NO


If you issue “make clean” from the manage build folder, normally the external projects (i.e. dependencies) wont completely re-build. Set this to true to have the build system remove the CMakeCache.txt of each dependency, which triggers a complete re-build.

Default value: YES


When installing OpenCMISS, the opencmiss-config file defines a default MPI version.

If unspecified, this will always be set to the version used for the latest build.

Default value: <empty>


When installing OpenCMISS, the opencmiss-config file defines a default MPI build type.

If unspecified, this will always be set to the build type used for the latest build.

Default value: <empty>


Override any local variable and have CMake download/checkout the “devel” branch of any components repository

See also: <COMP>_DEVEL

Default value: NO


Please set this to your email address, especially if you plan to provide several architecture installations and expect people to use your installation



Set this to YES to build with the -p profiling flags.

Default value: NO